Information about our Complaints Procedure

How we will deal with your complaint

The Francfort Consulting Group view a complaint as a client’s expression of dissatisfaction about  a service or product. We see complaints as opportunities to find out what we need to improve, as well as to rescue a client’s trust and confidence and recover that valuable relationship.

The Francfort Consulting Group Complaints Policy has been developed to ensure that we achieve these important goals and also aims to promote a culture of fair treatment of clients, maintain the standards of The Francfort Consulting Group, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Our aim

When dealing with your complaint, our aim is to be fair to you. If we find that you have suffered loss or inconvenience as a result of our error or omission, we will aim to return you to the position you would have been in had the error or omission not occurred.

Our pledge

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing.

We will thoroughly investigate your complaint to ascertain all the relevant facts.

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as fairly as possible and at the earliest opportunity.

If we consider that your complaint would be more appropriately dealt with by another part of The Francfort Consulting Group, we will refer your complaint to that business.

Within eight weeks of receiving your complaint, we will report to you in writing on the outcome of our investigation, and, where your complaint is upheld, propose a fair resolution.

If your complaint is particularly complex, it may take longer to investigate or to reach a final decision; in which case, we will still write to you eight weeks after receiving your complaint and will tell you when we expect to be able to provide a response.

If we cannot agree

If you want to contact us about any aspect of your complaint, please raise it in the first instance with your usual contact, or if you prefer contact
