To improve cash collection and reduce the risk of bad debt, you need to resolve billing disputes, man- age overdue receivables, and prioritize collec- tions efforts. The  Francfort Consulting Group can help you manage collections and dispute-resolution activities more effectively and proactively. Faster, more effective processing boosts success rates, lowers risk, and improves cash collection.  Based on the payment behavior The  Francfort Consulting Group calculates an individual credit index for each customer as well as a corresponding credit limit.

With The  Francfort Consulting Group you can thus implement a standardised cash collection policy even beyond national boundaries – while still allowing for country-specific requirements. In addition, cash collection processes can be controlled automatically , e.g. via online interfaces to Euler Hermes, Coface or Atradius.

The  Francfort Consulting Group provides all relevant information on each customer at a glance: credit rating, limit exhaustion, outstanding pay- ments, amounts overdue, payment experience etc. If a customer‘s credit rating changes or he suddenly alters his paying habits, you will receive this information immedia- tely in form of a to-do list. The  Francfort Consulting Group features comprehensive reporting functionalities, e.g. portfolio reports for management use, functional re- ports, standard reports and individual reports.

  • Standardize processes for resolving customer disputes about invoice
  • Increase the productivity of collections agents
  • Communicate effectively with customers and collaborate efficiently across departments
  • Reduce bad-debt write-offs and days sales outstanding

  • Enabling proactive collections and dispute management
  • Rapid deployment to get you on the fast track to more efficient financial management
  • Information Management: integration of internal and external data (particularly in an international environment)
  • Adaptable scorecard module enables the user to use different scorecards (e.g. according to business areas or national affiliates)
  • Flexible workflow module implements customer-specific workflows for a further automation of processes

  • Speed collections and dispute resolution with advanced workflows
  • Reduce collection costs and bad-debt write-offs through automated collections processes
  • Decisioning: decisions matching the strategy
  • Enable collections and dispute specialists to collaborate quickly and effectively on past-due accounts
  • Improve collection strategies and eliminate the source of disputes with analytics

For further details regarding CASH MANAGEMENT features please contact us. We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting.